Jul 20, 2015

Book Review: Hail to the Queen by Julius St. Clair

Title: Hail to the Queen
Author: Julius St. Clair
Series: Sage Saga #3
Genre: Romance, Young Adult, Fantasy
Published by: L&W Books
Published Date: November 17th, 2013
Pages: 264
The Sages have been scattered and the mission has been thrown to the wayside. Alone in a foreign land, James and Princess Catherine must fight for their survival against hostile and terrifying forces that rival the power of gods. And it is only a matter of time before the other four Kingdoms realize that they are next for extermination.

The King of Zen-echelon has arrived, and with him is a plot to bring a dark age so unimaginable, even the Sages' enemies begin to seek their assistance. Powerful beyond belief, it appears that no one can topple the King on their own, and it soon becomes apparent that it will take nothing less than a leader and a Queen, to unite them all against their common foe...

Text Zpsktsyexnr by Mewberry-Chan
Only so many things could go wrong in a book, this one a lot of things go wrong. "Hail to the Queen" picks up right after the ending to "The Dark Kingdom". James and Catherine are still stuck in the manifestation and James is barely holding on. But he is trying to hard for Catherine. All the other Sages are all scattered about and worried about them. Ariums sends Scarlet and Kyran to go to Zen-echelon to get the last stone. Jester appears before the Quietus and wants to meet with Catherine. James finally meets his mother but it isn't even for long because now he has to sent out to find where Jester took Catherine. 

Thorn, who is the "king" of Zen-echelon is a smart-ass and very egotistic. He doesn't think anyone can kick his butt. But Scarlet tries anyway and she loses hardcore. Apparently Thorn made the ether that is in the sky and he is capturing souls so he can go up against the Maker himself. So he wants to lay waste to all the kingdoms in order for him to get his wish. Kryan gets to see Chloe and Scarlet gets to see her brother one last time before the decided what they really want to do. Kryan decides to "side" with Thorn and Scarlet is scared crap-less of him.
In order for everyone to beat Thorn, everyone has to come together and work together. It was hard in the beginning, the Sages save Prattlian and started to head toward Langoran to get them on their side as well. It was a difficult task for the Langoran to side with them but then Thorn attacked and they changed their mind. With no home for the Langoran or the Prattlain they all head to Allay and regroup there,..

James and Arimus are out and about and find something quite interesting that might help them win against Thorn.  While in the Sage Academy looking for this sort of information they run into Alexander and Dominic. Kicking butt and taking names James and Arimus defeat them without breaking a sweat. Thorn isn't powerful he just knows how to use the stone in a different matter than anyone else. James and Arimus figure it out and learn how to do it on their own.  With this new found information James becomes super OP (over-powered). He learns new tidbits and tricks tat could help him in the long run. 

With Thorn and the ether gone, peace is once restored to the kingdoms. Allay, Prattlian, and Langoran are now at peace with each other and alleys but will it stay that way? 


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